PADYAKalikasan of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) – MIMAROPA

Events June 19, 2022


PADYAKalikasan of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) – MIMAROPA

Romblon State University (Main Campus) to Agpudlos.

PADYAKalikasan take off at Romblon State University (Main Campus) headed by CHED Chairperson Dr. J. Prospero E. De Vera III, together with CHED MIMAROPA Regional Director Atty. Joselito C. Alisuag, UniFAST Director Atty. Ryan L. Estevez, MIMAROPA SUC Presidents, CHED, UniFAST and RSU bikers. The activity will be concluded with a Tree Planting Activity which aims to raise awareness on the importance of planting and saving trees specially in tropical forests in the islands.



