Orientation of HEIs in Oriental and Occidental Mindoro on the SIKAP Grant Guidelines and Application Process June 13 – 16, 2022

Announcement July 06, 2022


The CHED MIMAROPA SIKAP Unit headed by Mr. Ronaldo Pedrosa held orientation meeting with HEIs in Oriental and Occidental Mindoro. The orientation meetings were held to ensure that faculty members, non-teaching personnel and school officials are well informed of the mechanics of the SIKAP grant. The orientation activities were held onsite in 15 HEIs. All in all, 340 participants attended the activity.

The application window for AY 2022 – 2023 for the SIKAP Grant is open until October 10, 2022. Applications are evaluated monthly in a continuing basis until the set deadline. For further information you may contact our CHED MIMAROPA SIKAP personnel for additional details and queries.




