Pinamalayan Eyes Community College: CHED MIMAROPA Provides Technical Assistance

Events February 21, 2024


CHED MIMAROPA Provides Technical Assistance
Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro: The Commission on Higher Education MIMAROPA Region (CHED MIMAROPA) extended technical assistance to the Municipal Government of Pinamalayan and various stakeholders during a consultative meeting held on February 7th. The meeting focused on the proposed establishment of a community college in the town, aiming to expand access to higher education for local residents.
Representing CHED MIMAROPA were Ms. Lesele Condeza, Education Supervisor II, and Ms. Raniel G. Bacolor, UniFAST MIMAROPA Regional Lead Coordinator. They engaged in discussions with government officials, school representatives, parents, and students, providing valuable insights and clarifying regulations surrounding the proposal.
Key discussion points centered around the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 10931, also known as the “Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act.” Stakeholders gained clarity on:
Implications for Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) grants: Discussions addressed how the proposed college might impact students currently receiving TES grants in private schools.
Local Universities and Colleges (LUC) establishment policies: CHED representatives provided details on the processes and guidelines involved in setting up a LUC.
Concerns of private schools: Participants explored potential concerns private schools might have regarding the college’s impact on their student population and discussed mitigation strategies.
Benefits for underserved students and community development: The meeting highlighted the potential positive impact of a local college on providing access to higher education for underserved students and contributing to the overall development of Pinamalayan.
The meeting achieved significant outcomes:
Increased Clarity: Stakeholders gained a clearer understanding of the regulations and procedures involved in establishing a LUC.
Mitigation Strategies: Potential concerns of private schools were addressed, and suggestions for mitigating any negative impacts were explored.
Collaborative Spirit: The meeting fostered a collaborative environment where stakeholders could voice their opinions and work towards a shared vision for the proposed college.
Moving forward, the local government will hold further discussions with stakeholders to gather additional feedback and refine the proposal. CHED MIMAROPA remains committed to providing continued support and technical assistance throughout the process. All stakeholders are encouraged to remain engaged and participate in future discussions and planning sessions.
The prospect of a community college in Pinamalayan holds significant promise for enhancing educational opportunities and contributing to the town’s growth. Continued collaboration between the local government, stakeholders, and CHED MIMAROPA will be crucial in bringing this vision to life.



